Brenda is the most lovable girl you could meet. she knows when people have good and bad vibes. she would do anything for her family and wouldn't let anyone do anything to her family. When she is mad all you have to do is give her a hug and that will make her day
Joe- hey Brenda Retterath mad at me what should I do?
Shonti- Just give her a hug
by Shonti crazy October 19, 2020
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Originating in Western Sydney, 'Chucking a Brenda' is a vague term used to describe an individual who

- enjoys partaking activities in solitude
- goes MIA for days (potentially weeks) without any notice
- never replies in group chats
- never listen sand is generally bad at communication
Example 1

s: what's up?
H: nothing much, i'm about to go watch a movie
S: who with?
H: probably just by myself
S: chucking a Brenda i see

Example 2

S: *talks for 5 minutes*
H: *nods throughout the whole conversation* ...
H: "what did you just say?"
by K.PARIMKAYALA December 1, 2015
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The act of giving one butt sex on the beach. Giving someone a sandy butt, or brenda, through anal sex.
Dude, Pode totally gave her a sandi brenda on friday.
by Piggons April 26, 2011
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It's the dopest drink that was ever invented and specifically designed to taste like apple cider. No one, and I mean no one can taste the alcohol in this drizzink. Be careful the Brenda Bomber has been known to make mother's drunk at fall bashes and tailgates.
Matty's mom got so wasted drinking her Brenda Bombers yesterday at the pumpkin patch.
by DonKidick October 8, 2021
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