Describes mostly older generations (boomers and older) who have difficulties adapting to modern society with its changing values, new technology and younger generations.


Borrowed from German "Wellblech-Generation" (literally: corrugated-sheet-generation)

While boomers still tend to name millennials "generation Y" (modest reference to themselves), millennials fought back, and renamed the older generations.

It refers to a parable about the difference between the generations: "While we millennials and younger build real houses, they boomers and older still build theirs with corrugated sheets only."
You're so outdated, you clearly belong to the corrugated-sheet-generation.

Why would you not care about others? That's totally corrugated sheet like.
by DDGray December 6, 2020
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basically a big number. not just a word, its also a number. ( {10, 10, 10, 10} )
whats the biggest number u know?
a general!
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A place were discord mods won't let you post memes
also the reason you can't have fun on discord
Guys stop posting fucking memes on general - from the chat mods.
by CoolMintman11 March 3, 2021
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big cock all the girls want him is an amazing boy he is funny, nice, handsome, and protective General is the type of guy who helps out other but doesn’t want anyone’s help he helps others with their depression and their love life General is also the type of person to hide his emotions he puts on two faces on face for his inappropriate friends and than another face which is extremely nice he is a very secretive person he hides everything from people he knows he can’t trust he doesn’t open up easily, General is a very faithful person he doesn’t cheat on girl even if they cheat on him, don’t get me wrong if u break his heart he won’t just forgive u like nothing happened, General may be nice but if u say something beyond him holding his rage back he will throw back some true fire, General has an extremely high chance of becoming famous statewide he is a guy who will be wealthy.
Perfect Guy for sex. Big penis, perfect sex partner
girl i've found me an General his penis is huge.
by KieshawithAc November 4, 2020
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Sarcastic term used by a lady for a guy with a major case of "one-sided willingness" --- da dude is always ready and eager to "open his zipper" (i.e., whip out his "sausage") anytime, but never seems all that motivated to "open his WALLET" (i.e., "share his bacon") to help you out financially, even with just basic stuff like groceries of household/repair materials.
Cool chick: So what's your new boyfriend like?
Hip girl: Oh, just yer typical pig --- generous with his sausage, but stingy with his bacon!
by QuacksO September 28, 2018
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