A very cool Swedish twitch streamer that does poggers gaming and makes funny mic noises with his mixer, that owns an incredibly successful company named “Cum Gub”. He is sexy and handsome. Known for his famous farts on reverb.
He go brrr
He thinks liking the Strokes is pretty epic sauce.
Tier 3 to Arlus Finch for ability to ban a bitch in chat.
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This is a place deep down in the south that you couldn't find if you wanted to. You have staff fucking students, students fucking students. Staff stealing money, students stealing socks, panties, shirts and your name. You got staff drilling the importantance of doing unrelated bullshit that has nothing to do with the "real world"!!!! The students are super fake and messy, but the damn staff is 3x worse. And the whole time you stay the staff fill you up with false hopes and lies because when at all boils down and the shit hit the fan IT'S ALL ABOUT THE DAMN NUMBERS!!!!!
you see something thats stupid at Finch henry Job corps you ask:
Where they do that?

and someone else say:
only at Finch Henry
by Lucky2Mdit July 20, 2010
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When you get downed by someone in one shot more than five times with a shotgun that person is a one shot fucking finch

by Koalamo March 6, 2008
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A dude that attempts to rape someone. Not quite Cosby , not quite Wiestien but more like Kavanaugh. Can also refer to an entitled person like Louis C.K who likes to showcase his unwanted penis to women that work with him.
" Cindy, I don't know what I'm gonna what I'm doing about that job interview, I heard a finch is a part of the board."
by FirmTits October 2, 2018
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lame sarcasm, never funny, too stoned to grasp a moment. everything that is good and bad about rock music.
by mother of problems September 4, 2003
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i saw a Finch buying ungodly amounts of garlic bread in walmart yesterday
by Kirlios September 16, 2023
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