When a woman only has one available hand for hand jobs due to having a cast or sling. The female equivalent of the one armed eddy.
After her snowboarding fall she a one armed edelle for the rest of the holiday
by Bhutan Dan June 20, 2020
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Using the day you have sex for the first time as your anniversary date.
At lunch with Parents and uncle yesterday, Ashley came with me. We're talking about my cousin celebrating a dating anniversary with her boyfriend. Mom chimes in "well they're not married, so are we celebrating the anniversary of him burying the baby arm"
Dad right on queue drops silverware onto plate and makes a clank.
by TeamTrainWreck March 16, 2021
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A slang term to describe a whore, cheap escort, or a knowingly other woman often seen hanging on the arm of a different man.
Look at Oliviaout here looking like a real Side Arm Dandy.
by Milfhunter2003 October 2, 2023
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Tall guy: Hi arm rest
*rests arms on small friends shoulder*
by LocalOldMan November 4, 2019
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When sisters from the same mister both raise an arm in mid slumber and begin to slowly tickle the arm in soothing comfort.
Well. There’s Sam doing that ghost arm thing again.
by Sloppy Joe 69 April 24, 2020
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Fish Arm.

pronounced: fish ahrm}


The upper limb of the human body, especially the part extending from the shoulder to the wrist, used in a fully extended fashion while your fishing partner takes a photo of your recent catch. Emphasis is placed on providing a perspective of the catch to give the illusion of overstating its overall size.

NOT to be confused with its antonym "alligator arms" (the behavior displayed by some when the check comes at the bar after said fishing trip).
Nice fish arms in that photo Bob. That 10", 1/2lb fish looks like a monster.
by toyworx May 22, 2018
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When your arm is so fat you can't see your wrist.
Wow her four-hundred arm is really big! Where doe she shop for bracelets?
by Peggy Smokerlung April 18, 2017
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