Family are people who will be by your side no matter what, they will always be there for you when you need them and they will love you no matter what. Family is something that you cherish no matter what boy or girl comes into your life. Family is something that cares for you and you care for them. Family is also the most important thing in life, If your rich or poor nice or mean there or not they will always love you and be right by your side the whole way Family is something you dont let go And one more time Family is something you dont give up on yes mom or dad may have a bad day and be kinda moody but that doesnt mean they wont be for you. They will be with you and there for you no matter what
by Doglover1227 January 15, 2021
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People who you don't like but have to live with, oh also They probably don't like you either
PHIL: I hate him
Bob: is he part of your family?
by THE DEFINER March 11, 2015
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A group of people who support one another and will always be there for you. They don't have to have to same DNA as you to be a part of your family. You decide whether they belong there or not.
by Music2975 October 14, 2018
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become humiliated facing ones family. being humiliated by your very own family members alone your self. Generally you're in this one place where embarrassment begins.
Me: "I know right, you should've walk carefully in your own home."

Friend: "I know right, i fell horribly and now I'm being familiated. Like, Always."
by jackiess August 26, 2016
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The number one thing that God has given you.
Make it last with your family because it’s not going to last, so make it count cuz that’s what God wants you to do
Person: God, what’s the number one thing you’ve given me
God: Your family
by Stephen Curry30 June 22, 2018
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being humiliated by your own family alone yourself. Usually you're in that one place where the humiliation begins.
Me: "I know right, you should've walk carefully in your own home."
Friend: "I know right, i fell horribly and now I'm being familiated. Like, Always."
by Truly Amazin' January 2, 2013
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The best fandom on tumblr by far. The supernatural fandom. So close that we're not just a fandom, we're family because family don't end in blood. Don't insult someone in the spn family because we all help each other, you cross one of us you cross us all.
Spn family hater : Ugh I hate the SPN family so much they can all go die in a hole

Spn family : Don't insult my family, you will regret it

Spn family hater : Why are you getting so defensive over a tv show? Why do you care if I don't like your silly little show

Spn family : We DON'T care if you don't like the show, you didn't insult the show, you insulted everyone in the fandom
Spn family hater : Stop being such immature an immature little prick and rum home back to mummy. Oh wait
by i-lost-my-shoe26 March 18, 2017
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