Why the fuck would you look up a pun,
US Bee is a pun.
by Oklomsy November 20, 2018
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to upset oneself in any form of negative emotion such as anger, sadness, or physical un-wellness
I shouldn’t eat food before going on the rollercoaster or I’ll jostle my bees.
by hazelnuthuntress May 26, 2020
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a butt that is pointy
I used to have a bumble bee butt, then I had a hysterectomy and my ass went flat
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the absolutely normal act of two willing participants shoving a knife hilt side first into their rectum and then proceeding to fight each other by flailing their bums at each other.
You sir! I challenge thee the a Bee Fight! En Garde!
by Hydraaz April 14, 2019
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