The best Netflix series ever made, about a girl who commits suiced before the movie started. She, Hannah Baker, records thirteen tapes of herself before she kills herself, and there are thirteen different people that were supposed to be the reason that se died. the person that we get to follow is Clay Jensen, who was good friends with Hannah, who died. Clay tries to find out why he and the others are the reasons she died.
Have you seen the series " thirteen reasons why" on Netflix?

Yeah, its the best, such a good serie!
by lolwhaaaaat April 9, 2017
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what you say when your bro betrays you
by Aky1milk March 2, 2021
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THE WHY : pay 10% from your monthly earnings from, after your death also.
by israilpavel December 2, 2019
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bro me and my mom are so confused like what’s up with this onion
why do i have an onion plz i wanna know
by who gave my son an onion November 3, 2019
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Translation: Might I inquire as to the motive for the action in which the gentleman in question has undertaken?
Guy 1: Did you hear? Tony committed suicide.
Guy 2: Why he do dat?
by RoundenBrown January 9, 2020
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"why a not?"
by radicalpigeon May 20, 2016
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What da fishes "answered with a grin" after Humpty Dumpty sternly warned them dat "it will be better to obey" his request dat they send him some of their primest specimens for his dinner-table, rather than his having to grumblingly continue with da disgusting bean-curd crap dat he was presently being obliged to gag down because he wasn't having any luck catching fish to eat.
Perhaps after Humpty Dumpty received da fishes' amused "Why, what a TEMPEH you are in!" response and thus failed at getting any tasty omega-oils-rich fillets to fry up, he instead began resorting to starchy white underground tubers for his sauteed sustenance, and dat's how "Da Great H. D." snacks company was founded.
by QuacksO January 27, 2021
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