CODY! THAT’S A THING I SAID! That mental health is not a “me” problem but an “everyone but me problem!” You think a thing I think! Hurray! Captain Always-Right!
Hym “Didn’t I say almost exactly that about mental health? Isn’t that a little disconcerting that both leftists and righties are parroting my talking point while (simultaneously) refusing to acknowledge how right and profoundly brilliant I am? You both just tow the ole’ partisan lines and nothing ever happens because I’m a slave and have to be a slave until I either die or hijack an Apache helicopter and go on a GTA-style murderous rampage and/or summon a Godzilla to do my bidding and raze society to the ground? Man, I am always right. That is crazy. I should be getting paid for this. Your you should be going to Newt Gingrich and working for him for free because his political platform is just the things that a random guy on UD says.”
by Hym Iam November 22, 2022
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To put an NSFW image in someone's head when they don't want to think of that image.
Jason: Yo Joe! I heard Jenna fucked her sister!
Joe: Ew! Gross!
Jason: They had a threesome later with Lily!
Joe: Oh my god, please stop! You are mentally molesting me!
by TheRealMilkAndCerealYT September 12, 2020
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When something is so mad that you have to mix the words mental and insanity
"He actually did a backflip off the first floor. Mentality"
by ShitLuckBecameACuck June 13, 2018
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A particular attitude or way of thinking, especially one that you think is wrong or stupid.
a get-rich-quick mentality


I can't understand the mentality of people who hurt animals.

He buys everything on credit - he has this play now, pay later mentality.
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More of a phrase than a word but still symbolic in everyone's life.
It is a time in which you thought your parent couldn't die or you could never be that guy.
Person 1.) Hey how's your dad
Person 2.) He passed away and my life seams completely different.
Person 1.) Gotta ditch that "can't happen to me mentality" or it'll hurt your game.
by Batterybob June 9, 2021
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To attempt to reach above and beyond expectations no matter the circumstance.

0% busting, 100% chumping.

0% cappering, 100% truthing.

You need to spend each and every one of the 86400 seconds that you get per day in a way that benefits you. So don't be jerking off and eating french fries.
Person A: yo i'm a truther no capper on chump

Person B: Bro I saw you playing skyblock last night you retard, you don't got a Truther Mentality dumbass
by bakamogus wallahiburgers November 1, 2022
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