middle part of surname 'mackenzie'. refering to a superstar dj plying his trade on the decks.
'have you heard his set, it's wicked, it's kenzi!
by dinmpap April 21, 2010
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Very fast very ferious very Kenzi... She is a girl who does not take no for an answer and loves her friends. If you turn on her OH BOY YOU'RE SCREWED BUDDY! She wants to travel the world and hates school, looks forward to fun activities and loves ice cream. Kenzi is a person not to be messed with. (well if you do good luck). And when she gets hungry she will literally get really mad, because Kenzi does not like her tum tum rumblin!
Kenzi bro don't run me over
Oh wow look at Kenzi she's beating that stupid boy up what a girlboss
by Lover boy sun juice February 28, 2023
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she's a very silly person and yeahhhh she uses :3 a lot and is silly everyday!!

she loves slaying too!
i'm silly and ohhh.. my name is kenzie :3
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absolutely amazing, one of the best. really cool i may be bias because it is my name but she is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
by kenziedavo April 1, 2022
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a person you can hate and love at the same time. the person who wants to slap you in the face everyday cuz your so annoying one minute and them is hugging you so tight the next.
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Smells,a good bsf,goofy ,likes big boys
Dude kenzi with the big boys
by Strizak November 23, 2019
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To freak out, and henceforthe drive away, a potential date with sexually deviant behaviour. This can include anything from joking about bondage, to attaching a fishhook to your dates arm and offer to suck it back out again.

A Kenzi can be achieved by any of the three genders, with order of success going "Transgender, Male, Female."

Unless you're in Amsterdam, in which case, it is the same but with Female first.

It should be noted that there are no laws prohibiting the Kenzi, because a Kenzi is not harmful unless pursued. If pursued it is any of the following

> Statutory rape
>Date rape
>Just plain Rape
>The Above four with a choice of different types of rape
>The casting of an unforgivable curse
>On-street Ninja fight.
I pulled a kenzi- and she pulled one back *satisfied face*
by Dm. Kenzi May 25, 2010
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