A queer (girl/guy) that trolls you and photoshops your body on theirs. Theys spy and copy everything they fucking do from someone else. They take credit of any of your work, score, anything you type that they can put they're name over. They'll use you to make a fake account to get publicity. They rub they're hands together and think they're big playmaker playboys. They're all fucked up idiots. They think your their "op" so they give you a big pussy face when they see you even though they're not even a hustle and you can smoke all of them. They hate you because you're better than them. When they're not too busy "hustling" they're either fucking themselves or doing drugs. They buy their fake plastic pussies/fake dick dildos in somebody elses address. They're pawns and all the hoes play them their whole lives. The hoes feel sorry for them so they give it to them even though they're cheaters, fags, pussies, snakes, trolls, fiends, fools, bitches, niggers, wimps, spics, drug addicts, junkies, haters, rats, jocks, posers, shitbags, perverts, public offenders, have no skills, and broke. They love every drug(I can't type). They have a basic sized dick. They're part of the nnnnnn(no dick) gang. They use "popsicle sticks", "duct tape", "putty egg", "velcro", "strings", "staplers", "donkey yoyo", etc and they put it out of their zipper even though a child could see it.
Guy 1- "Did you hear that girl got with Playa lol?

Guy 2- "No. I don't know why anyone would go down on that goddamn fony."

Guy 1- "No way bro is that your body photoshopped on Playa's profile picture?"

Guy 2- "Yes it is. I'm going to report him and every fiend that photoshops my body with their name on it."

Guy 1- "No lie, I would run up right in his face."
by umbreonxxx May 8, 2021
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An expression of shock when you see someone attractive.
Goddamn she’s fine
by 47886433 February 27, 2022
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An expression of shock when you see someone attractive.
Goddamn she’s fine
by 47886433 February 27, 2022
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You probably know the word damn. Goddamn is more than just a damn. It is an extreme increase. It can be used if you

1. either hate (really hate) something

2. or live for something.
Goddamn can be written together or separately.
1. Goddamn, who eats pineapple on pizza. You must be crazy!
2. Did you see her ass, goddamn!
by mango_hoe June 6, 2020
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God never needed a dam, he walked on water.
Goddamn he didn’t need a dam!
by Triston 🤪 March 13, 2019
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An Englishman. United Kingdom military member. Taken from exclamations of joy the People of France cheered during liberation as they observed the British military marching in after driving out the Germans in World War Two.
Here come the Goddamns!
by I. 8. 1. 2. July 16, 2021
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Someone who thinks is fucking raw. They act like they're the hardest thug but they're a bitch. They think they're in a gang with the other jackasses. They do drugs to think they're fly but they can't handle it. They're pussies are so little that they can't drive and someone should take the keys away from them. Anyone can play them with a simple text and make them look like dorks on camera lol. They have no swag because they're modern day asswipes. The best way for them to get a restart with their lives would be to join the military. They don't sell drugs and they're all broke fuckups. The people that sell drugs to them are the ones hustling and laughing at them. There's so many police around them that it's embarrasing. They cry at night and love eating dirt yeah.
Guy 1- "Foo that guy is a straight mark. He/she has all the police on him/her."

Guy 2- "He's/She's a goddamn jackass no bullshit. Bitch is gonna get curbstomped."
by umbreonxxx February 15, 2021
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