Kind, generous, caring and, sweet. He likes to be very humorous and too make his friends laugh and smile.
Paul told me a joke
by dachshund love October 16, 2019
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a boy a girl becomes attached to and internally wishes would knock her up while subtly bringing him and his hoes into convo as much as possible with raging jealousy

how these girls feel: “i will b his forever girl
Cristan is jojos paul.
by sillygirl November 4, 2018
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Wierdo who has a wife goose.
paul has popcorn with shingirl at the movies
by paulword October 1, 2020
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A sweet caring perfect guy. he is always there when you need him and a perfect boyfriend. When he finds the girl he wants to love he will do anything and everything to keep her. he gets jealous but you will never find someone as caring understanding and perfect as a Paul. Hes tall handsome sexy and has a huge dick . You won't find anyone better than a Paul
by Lovergirlforever123 May 17, 2016
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a heartbreaker. hes loveable and all until you dont give him attention...basically what im saying is is that paul is a cheater.
i cant believe he cheated on me with my best friend when i went to a concert...thats such a paul thing to do ffs
by Princess everything April 27, 2018
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A sad emo teen who listens to My Chemical Romance and other emo bands

Paul tends to cut himself at least 3 times a week

Paul also likes to smoke marijuana and cigarettes
Brandon: "Dude who's playing MCR right now?"

Charlie: "Oh that must be that Paul that lives down the street."
by parappatherappatappa July 11, 2018
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A dumb hoe who needs to learn his place and accept that his girlfriend is and always will be right. But she loves him anyways. Hold on to him. He's AMAZING. Being in his arms makes you feel like the safest person in the world. He can make you smile no matter what. But make sure that he knows that you're smarter, nicer, stronger, and braver than he is. He's the type that if you heard a noise downstairs.. he'd go down stairs with a toilet brush expecting the robber to run away. He's a dork but you'll love him anyways because he'll always make life fun for you. You'll fall in love with him before you know it and he'll mean the world to you. <3 (:
Paul Ambrose needs to just give up and stop being so headstrong to his girlfriend. She loves him to death though.
by MadisonAnnah<3 August 7, 2011
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