it's basically same as introverts but they tend to be active and considered about their comfort zone more, they start to fight for it

"people always tell introverts to be more talkative and leave their comfort zones. yet no one tells extroverts to shut up to make the zone comfortable" - said the second-generation introvert DittoTheShapeShifter
- you definitely need to be more active and talk more or else you will be that silent person forever (kind of crazy bitch and smile)
-how about you start to talk less and let me create a comfort zone for us (as u guess room is full of people 7 int and 3 ext)
- wow u sound like The Second Generation-Introverts (its too late)
- listen here you little shit..... (fight starts)
by Neblara December 23, 2019
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Can it really be a group if they're introverts?
((X-Files Theme Song plays))
"Hey man, I just met a group of introverts"
"Wait, wha-"
by demuriffic June 29, 2018
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Someone who is does have the right social skills to be around people, but are still more comfortable when on their own & would prefer to be alone. They’re typically pretty light on conversation with strangers but show far better social qualities when around people they’re more familiar with.
I don’t know anyone at this party but I’m an extroverted-introvert so I don’t think it’ll be too awkward
by Formerly_Fresh October 25, 2023
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Someone who "opts out" of plenty potential social situations, regardless of whether they do want to participate or not—opts out not by their own will, but because they "have to" because of unchangeable or similar circumstances.
Susie is an obligate introvert; instead of following a proper public school education, due to a myriad of sensible reasons, she learns shit at home using Acellus, Wikipedia, her parents' biased political opinions, reality shows, and homeschool textbooks. The downside or "opportunity cost" of this is that she is unable to make friends face-to-face at school. She instead meets them mostly on the internet...
by SomeoneSomewhere21 October 15, 2019
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Someone who enjoys both virtual and social interactivity/communication.
I would consider myself more of an Extro-Introvert.
by Dramatis Personae October 22, 2017
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A person who defines themselves as an introvert but everyone views them as an extrovert or, a person who hates socialising but does it anyways for reasons like people pleasing or social anxiety
Them: you’re such an extrovert you talk to so many people
Me: nah I hate talking to people but I do it cause I’m a people pleaser

Them: oh so you’re a closeted introvert
by oops it’s spooks September 29, 2021
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A common illness associated with people called ‘William’ and ‘Luke’. Effects of this illness may be not wanting to leave the house on many occasions.
Archie- William do you want to come out?
William- No I’d rather play on my pc

Archie- you have introvertitis lmao
by Archie Mccannaz October 3, 2021
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