A sudden and heavy downpour of anything
Would you look at the rain? Just like a frog pissing on a flat rock.

The bills are piling up like a mule pissing on a flat rock
by Larin Noel September 26, 2016
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What you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft.
What do you get when you drop a piano down a Mineshaft?
A♭ Minor!
(A Flat Miner)
by LordJenal May 14, 2022
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“Scratch one flat top,” radioed during the Battle of the Coral Sea by LCDR Robert E. Dixon to the USS Lexington
by Merrian Dictionary September 21, 2022
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It's a word to describe an A student who is a smartass who is arrogant and thinks he's smarter than AlbertEinstein and thinks his IQ is 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 quintillion.
Guy: What did you get on the AA2 test with MANDEEP Kumar you Nasal Passage
Tareq: A Flat-A
Guy: Go kill yourself you aeronautical Nasal engineer
by Nasal Passage February 6, 2018
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It's the word when you're a smart ass and you're just such a big piece of shit that you're just a fricken Albert Einstein Mofo.

It's not an A- or an A+ it's just a nice flat and juicy A
Dis dumbass mofo: Yo what'd u got on the test u nasal passage
Dis Smart ass mofo: Haha I got a Flat-A
Dis dumbass mofo: Wow, ur such a nasal passage.
Dis Smart ass mofo: Haha, at least I'm not a refurbished Amarjeet Fifa support.
by JuicyFatPigletSlayer February 6, 2018
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When a white boy gets his ass beat and lays on the floor
If that boy don’t shut up I’ll make him a flat white
by Nightungale January 29, 2021
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