A great person Quinn is usually a handsome ladies man. Quinn is a person that also has a huge ass dick. He plays many sports but his favorite is hockey.
Hey Quinn will you go out with me Yah cuty
by Strikerboss25 March 30, 2019
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Quinn is the best kind of friend. He always makes you laugh from the moment you meet. He is VERY stupid though but in a funny way.
Quinn is dumb
by QUINN IS DUMB!!!!! October 15, 2019
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A guy who you'd think would have girls fangirling him, but no apparently he's gay so he has fanboys. He barely joins the calls, he never texts in the group chats. This angers his friends.
Quinn: *online while a call is going on*

Friends: * ringing him with the power of god and anime*
by nugnug666 March 7, 2020
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A amazing talented girl that is a little unique weirdo. She's insecure, quiet, but an amazing listener that will always have your back. Oh and she's fucking fierce!
Dude/girl: Oh who are you? Your so quiet I never even knew you were in this class!

Quinn: ......
by Stupid101.org November 29, 2017
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A lethal disease. Symptoms may include high iq, sending nudes, slandering, incitement to violence, hypocrisy and many more symptoms science has yet to discover. Long story short, if you've been infected, youre fucked.
Hey dude, do you have Quinn?
Sadly, yes.
Oh no, get away from me.
by MansLitty March 10, 2019
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very shy at first but as you get to know him he opens up to be absolutely gorgeous, witty, smart, innocent, and sensitive. he’s always got his nose in a book. you can always count on him to be there for you. he likes to hang out with a larger group setting despite his being shy and quiet and always loves to play games with his friends.
definitely just played a quinn. even though i’m not looking for commitment i’ll keep him.
by sucker for blue eyes :) June 22, 2018
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Oblivious, twitchy, blinky, high chance of ordering mail order bride
by Period 7 April 24, 2006
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