What people do at pseudo-hippie concerts. Sometimes confused with grand-mal seizures. Spinning around, combined with wild arm gesticulations = HEADY NOODLE.
Mom: Son, do you know how to dance?
Son: Hell no mom, but I do a sick ass Heady Noodle at all the Disco Biscuit shows.
by Lonnie Jenkins Stabone March 30, 2011
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A heady beady could mean a dumbass, someone that annoys you or a hoe. Getting heady beady means getting head.
yeo last night she gave me the heady beady
by NotAHeadyBeady February 23, 2020
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The best weed possible, super sticky, slow burning, and fucks you up in the head like real headies do.

Created after verbal tradition of calling good weed headies and wet sticky stuff superdank then transformed into verbal excitement with emphasis on a high pitched heeeeaadiezz!
Man all this weed in Amsterdam is SUPERDANK HEADIES son, lets go smoke.
by BL423D October 4, 2007
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a way to say "lets go den" or "bring it on" (used in terms of fighting)
Whats really good witchu, nigga.....heady up, lets go den!
by Adriana October 20, 2004
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Its New York Slang meaning if you wanna fight lets go
John : Marcus im bitch slap you

Marcus : So what you waitin for nigga shoot the heady
by I Lov Harlem World August 3, 2009
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a kid who wears pins on their hat, enjoys all types of people, they are all about peace, typically associated with Festie kids. Love to give things away for free or to trade. The nicest kids you will ever meet, they usually know their shit and where to get it when it comes to substances.
Man did you see that kid with the Bassnectar pins wearing the grateful dead shirt hand that stranger a hash brownie and some tinksher? That was one motherfucking heady kid!
by theonlybrokenheartedloser October 21, 2013
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