The act or description of performing something something radical, shreddy, or totally dope
by Big Quig November 15, 2019
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Some back ground info: Typicaly used in the Hawaiian islands.It is an informal good bye amongst the youth of the islands, but not limited to the use of youngsters. There are some reported cases of use on "The Mainland". When said in a passive manner, one usually throw up a shaka then says the words "Shoots Brah."

A word of many meanings. With a change of tone the words meaning can change instantly. It can be used as a casual good bye^. The word can be used as an aggressive response to a call out also*.
^ First Ex.
Man1: I see you at the party tonight then?

Man2: Yup, just remember to bring the Hards and I'll bring the Budz

Man1: To night is going to be Action, oh shit gotta go.

Throws Up a Shaka
Man2: Shoots Brah!

* Second Ex.
Man1: I heard you was talking shit.

Man2: What the fuck, you Tripin'

Man1: What did you just say!

Man2: Maybe you shouldn't let your dad stick his dick in your ears anymore so you can hear better.

Man1: Fuck that! We go Scrap

Man2: Shoots Brah!
by Maui Boy-Lahaina Side October 17, 2010
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Something usually said by an Australian teenage male, which means the girl likes you. Usually a comment.
Girl: Zachie... you there? I miss you!
Zac: I'll be on chat in a min :)
Zac's friend: You're in brah!
by librarychick March 6, 2011
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A lax brah is an individual that plays lacrosse and emerses themselves in the culture. This means having lax sesh's, frisbee sesh's (usually with multiple frisbee's), or just chillen in the nice spring weather. Clothing stlye varies from fresh kicks with high socks, flip-flops, but the best choice is always barefoot. Shorts are worn year round. Flat billed hats are sometimes worn. Hair style is either long or shaved (like a 1 or 2). 311, Sublime, Slightly Stoopid, Incubus, Wu-Tang are some of the usual music interests. A lax brah usually smokes pot and doesn't mind chillen with some bros. Women vary from hookups to steady girlfriends. The language is mostly slang.
Lax Brah 1-"Dude wanna rip (smoke pot)?
Lax Brah 2-"Yaa dude, lemme finish this game of NHL!"
Lax Brah 1-"Aight motha fucka."
by laxinitup44 October 30, 2009
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a super annoying, triple-hippie-dipped stoner type. usually a surfer, snowboarder, or both. generally found west of the rockies, predominantly in colorado and california. easily identified and avoided by their unique brand of "bro speak".
snowboarder1: hey brocephus.. did you see that sick "3" i just stomped on that pow-pow?!

snowboarder2: nah bro brah, i was too busy carvin' freshies!
by iaremsejr August 3, 2010
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