A Japanese anime show recently added to the Adult Swim line up. Shin Chan is a kindergardner with an attitude. He's famous for his ass dance. His favorite action hero is Action Bastard
by Shin Fan September 1, 2006
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A kaiju that appeared in the 2016 film, Shin Godzilla. Shin Godzilla's fourth form was both the heaviest Godzilla, weighing 92,000 metric tons, and the longest, with a total body length of 333 meters.
The person who made this entry, Shin Godzilla.
by Shin Godzilla May 23, 2020
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khai Shin is a person that's shy and likes playing
Plus quite annoying
by Shinney0903 March 9, 2017
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The appearance of one's legs, having fallen from a skateboard or bike onto tarmac.
"Dude, what happened to your legs?!"
"I tried for maximum air on a 720 but flipped out and ended up with pizza shins."
by Debagio74 September 10, 2022
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Also known as Shin Akuma in America. He's the true form of Akuma/Gouki. He doesn't hold back anything, punches, kicks, Hadoukens, everything will be unleashed upon the player with unrivaled fury.
What example?
by Satsu Ryu November 25, 2003
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shin dig is a set of words that can be used in a similar fashion as "thing." Shin dig can refer to any place or thing, however it is often used when speaking of an event such as a party or happening of some kind.
We went to the shin dig at my friends house and met a lot of people there. There was a live band and party games.
by Robertoguy July 17, 2004
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A term used to describe the highest level of beauty, unattainable beauty
She might be at the class of shin Yuna

I think she’s shin Yuna
by John mot October 19, 2021
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