dogle is the word used to describe an extremely annoying individual
"See him?"
"He is such a dogle."
by WangChang September 12, 2014
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The legendary dogl is a myth from the villagers of mount Charlore, it is said that one of the first leaders of mount Charlore: Learmosk's son: Ryugli, spotted a dog with an L shaped tail he said the dog had dark blue eyes with green fur and its tail was pitch black, darker than the midnight sky. The villagers of mount Charlore wouldn't believe him, they thought he was going insane, Ryugli was going to become the next leader, so the villagers thinking he was insane, tried assassinating him, however little did they know Ryugli had tamed the legendary dogl the dogl defended him and this myth was passed down through generations however, on 2017/9/24 mount Charlore had collapsed and there was tons of dogl fossils inside mount Charlore.
dogl not pogl.
by doglnotpogl July 24, 2020
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A special valentine gift conyaining a severed foreskin usually gifted when boys are hateful 8
Don't get the ugly dogling in the soup...
Dude no that's cannabis
by Cody5050 January 27, 2022
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people who are two faced, hypocrite

plural of dogla
sachal aur saksham dogle hai
by laudekameaning March 20, 2022
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