People named Padmakshi are very special, they are intelligent, they are cute, they are good towards people, they get angry when they talk, but they are good at heart.
People named Padmakshi are very special, they are intelligent, they are cute, they are good towards people, they get angry when they talk, but they are good at heart.
meaning of padmakashi।name One who has lotus like eyes
by Parveen sharma December 5, 2021
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People named Padmakshi are very special, they are intelligent, they are cute, they are good towards people, they get angry when they talk, but they are good at heart.
People named Padmakshi are very special, they are intelligent, they are cute, they are good towards people, they get angry when they talk, but they are good at heart.
by Parveen sharma November 26, 2021
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A really confident person who knows the very thing to do in her life! Loves someone more than anything and has a hard time moving on. Beautiful inside-out and extremely kind.
Thats very padmakshi of you!
I like padmakshi
by nwdjkquiadw2i7r18y November 22, 2021
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