He is god of everything! He is the best of all the mankind. People around him are blessed because he exists in their life. And he is the funniest, sexiest and most humble person. And no he did not write this up himself!
Purval is the best thing that has happened to my life. He is just so amazing!
by Purvalks November 24, 2021
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He is a God walking amongst mortals. He is the pinnacle of all thats good in this world. He is the best, sexiest and yet most humble person. You are blessed to have him in your life, do not hesitate to show your gratitude towards him.
And on eighth day, god said let there be a sexiest man with incredible sense of humour, amazing in bed, and kind heart, and then, there was Purval.
by Purvalks November 24, 2021
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The literal and absolute best of everything.. he is god walking amongst mortals.. you should consider yourself that you were alive to witness this amazing phenomenon called Purval.
And on the 8th day god said let there be the best of everything in the form of a man, and there was Purval and since 9th day onwards they chilled together. True story bro..
by Purvalks December 4, 2021
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