A scattered out meth head that's coming down hard and looking in sharps bins at hospitals for something to shoot up aka A parasite that will sell there ass to men that cum green puss , for money to buy meth aka A shit stain on the underpants of society that will molest your dog ,tamper with your cat ,and violate your goldfish ... even grandma isn't safe when a gruppet is around .
Quick get the animals inside and lock the house up ,there's a gruppet in the street .
by Convict292380 October 14, 2017
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A scattered out meth head that's coming down hard and looking in sharps bins at hospitals for something to shoot up aka A parasite that will sell there ass to men that cum green puss , for money to buy meth aka A shit stain on the underpants of society that will molest your dog ,tamper with your cat ,and violate your goldfish ... even grandma isn't safe when a gruppet is around .
Quick get the animals inside and lock the house up ,there's a gruppet in the street .
by Convict292380 October 14, 2017
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A YouTube personality who hides their identity and makes videos about animation.
Dude, fuck the Gruppeteer.
by Riggin Thompson September 27, 2017
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A YouTube personality who hides their identity and makes videos about animation.
Dude, love the Gruppeteer!
by NotBrandonAndZeb March 2, 2021
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