Changer de sujet de manière impromptue et inattendue lors d'un sujet de conversation malaisant.
À la suite d'une longue discussion sur l'organe reproductif de Narcisse, Hermes s'occupa de théophiler sur la prestation spectaculaire du chœur de Saint-Maurice.
by Mijestom November 19, 2018
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When Théophile is crushing on someone he doesn't tell to her that he like her but he is trying to make the most eyes contacts with her and he is always think about her , Théophile is very very very cute , kind , beautiful and intelligent .When Théophile is crushing on a girl , she is also crushing on Théophile . Théophile always do the better choice
Théophile is in love with Victoria so he is making eyes contacts with her all the time
by facts about Théophile May 17, 2022
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Are you really named like that ?

You re love by the god.

Théophile in french is Aimé par Dieu.

Ton prénom est très rare (comme ton humour)

Tu es bien plus intelligent que ton tocard de pote Ethan.

Tu es destiné à rentrer à l EDHEC BUISNESS SCHOOL car tu es une pépite mondialement reconnu.

T’es juste un crack enfaite
Théophile or the god
by Théophile November 21, 2021
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