When a stupid whore spends loads of time on her back (or maybe with her elderly sugar daddy on his back, the better to maintain his flagging erection) thinking it's payment for houses, cars, and other high-end toys, only to discover they were merely on loan when his wife's attorneys step in and take them all away, leaving her with nothing but her tainted hole and a ridiculous visor.
Man, that stupid bitch got Stivianoed but good; thought she was gonna keep the Ferrari the ninety-two year old she was constantly blowing told her he was giving to her. His wife filed suit and the dream car got repo'ed.
by Sterling Silver Salute September 12, 2017
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1. A gold digging bitch

2. A whore with a plastic face

3. Turkey sandwich covered in semen and vaginal fluid served with a glass of dog piss
1. That Vivian Stiviano stole my money.

2. She has a regular Vivian Stiviano face.

3. "Waiter, I'd like the Vivian Stiviano on rye and a side of monkey splooge."
by BiggieSmith May 14, 2014
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