2 definitions by ~Hope~

A Latin phrase meaning "into life", "into soul", or "into breathing"
It had been years since Hana's flight from the devastation of war in her home country. At last, she felt a sense of inspiritus. A sense of new life and new hope crept into her soul. Finally, she felt a sense of belonging, hope, and community in America.
by ~Hope~ February 20, 2019
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to strengthen someone so much that they have a renewed sense of life; to breath life into a weary soul

An action form of the latin phrase inspiritus. to inspirit, we inspirit, inspiriting, inspirited
David's resilience and strength had protected his family for years as they fled the civil war that ravaged their Congolese home. At last, there was relief! Smiling volunteers greeted him and his family at the Atlanta Airport on January 13, 2019. Each welcoming smile and kind word worked to inspirit his weary soul with invigorating hope and determination.
by ~Hope~ February 20, 2019
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