1 definition by zedopagode

First and foremost, it’s AleCZander and not Alexander. They will make sure you know that. They are initially mysterious and somewhat shy, although they will tell you they’re most darkest secrets from the get go because they are extremely sincere when it is appropriate. What I’m referring to here is that they don’t immediately open up emotionally, but don’t worry because you will know their intentions by looking into their ever deep eyes. They’re extremely smart and know what they’re doing, which can be a little intimidating because you will be scared of being manipulated, but once you get to know their kind heart you will fall deeply in love. They are so attractive and seductive that you will do whatever they tell you, although all they really want is to be loved and cared for. They have a wonderful mindset for exploration and they will surprise you constantly with they’re ideas. If you meet an Aleczander, be careful because there’s no way back.
If you find an Aleczander, make sure it’s not mine!
by zedopagode September 1, 2020
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