1 definition by yourmumisinmybed.

A town in Oxfordshire, England, where there are far too many teenagers and kids, and no entertainment facilities or shopping centres or ANYTHING.

Everybody says Bicester people have a drug problem.
I guess that's true.
Also an alcohol problem...
...Erm, that's true too.
...And a violence problem..

Basically, the town's full of chavs. Everybody who lives there hates it, except for the teenagers who only like it because there's so many of them. I'm actually part of that group, though, so I'm not complaining.

Most people who live in Bicester spend all their time in Oxford.
Dude, lets go to Bicester! Oh wait, there's fuck all to do there, and we wont be able to get back out cause the trains and the buses run so infrequently.

Everybody in Bicester looks high. They probably are.

by yourmumisinmybed. November 28, 2009
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