1 definition by yourecievethehole7

1. Having a moustache that resembles a taint.

2. Having a taint that resembles a moustache.

Dude 1: Why do you have a taint on your face?
Dude 2: Shut up.

Carl: Hey man, what's up?
Steve: Let me see that taint I've heard so much about!
Carl: I don't know...
Steve: I'm gonna see that taint one way or another, so you better just pull down your pants before i make you. Understand?

Carl apprehensively pulls down his pants infront of Steve.

Steve (smiling): Ooooh yeah... now thats a good taint.

Steve leans in for a closer look.

Steve: Hey, that kinda looks like a taintstache.
by yourecievethehole7 August 7, 2009
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