1 definition by yogster

The guy everyone (including all cats and most dogs) wants to be friends with. Reliable, respectful and trustworthy are just a few of the beautiful characteristics of this gentleMAN. Rumour has it that Conor was born in a circus - his jokes will quack you up ;)

"He's a fam-ily guy" that loves people in the same way otters love otters.

Conor snacks on cat ears (mmm so tasty) and girls named Yola (mmm so hairy)

Distinguishing features:
1) Hair sweeps to the right
2) Constantly smiling (probably to keep his teeth from melting due to his fiery hotness)
3) Intense, intelligent, captivating, soulful, deep blue eyes
Nigga A: "who is making that sweet music man?"

Nigga B: "must be a Conor, nigglet!"

Nigga A: "Dirty Dee, you're a baddy daddy lamatai tebby chai!"
by yogster October 24, 2013
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