1 definition by yiff_dispenser

hey, if you’re a horny furry, try some wings of fire yiff 👇 (they are dragons in case you haven’t read the books)
Yiff: Winter strutted into the cave; no Qibli, no Kinkajou, nobody except Moon. It wasthe perfect time to reveal his feelings for her, since she had just turned an adult.
‘Hey, Moon’ Winter said, sitting beside her on her bed and grabbing her thigh, ‘what do you say we have a little hatch-day fun?’
Moon turned to look at him, before looking down at his huge, limp dick. It needed to be erected, she could feel it.
Winter began fiddling with it, at first just touching the end and stroking the sides, then going so far as to forcefully rub it and squeeze his own balls.
‘Oh so That’s what you mean, huh?’ Said Moon with a naughty smile. She leaned towards Winter, feeling his frost breath on her snout, and locked his jaws in hers.
The sensation pounded through her at the moment they touched: warm tingly and- she was in heat.
They French kissed for what felt like hours, locking their tongues and drinking each other dry, all the whole Winter masturbated until his dick stood slightly taller, though still soft.
‘Maybe you need some help with that…’ purred Moon, grabbing his icy cold penis and squeezing, rubbing and feeling it until the veins throbbed underneath his skin. She leaned forward to lick his precum, the sweet yet salty juice filling her mouth before she gulped it down in one.
‘Turn around’ demanded Winter.
Pt 2 on my acc
by yiff_dispenser January 26, 2023
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