1 definition by yeemo_trashhhhhh

A Ritza is a beautiful, strong woman who is willing to do anything for the people she loves. She is kind, generous, thoughtful, sweet and loving. If you ever meet a Ritza, make sure you keep her by your side. She isn't afraid of going after what she wants, and believe me, she will get it. She sets her goals up high and never gives up until she reaches them. I mean, what else can I say, she's PERFECT. Dude, I wish I'd met her before cause I instantly fell for her. Don't EVER let a Ritza go, cause if you don't, she will always be there for you and will take care of you. <3
Guy #1: Damnnnnn....did you see Ritza? She looked super hot today.

Guy #2: Yeah dude, I've heard she's super nice and sweet. Let's go talk to her!
by yeemo_trashhhhhh January 6, 2019
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