1 definition by xjanellx

In relation to goth, gothic is a form of sterotype to the people who:
- wear black or victorian style, colorful mixed with black, or anything that may seem "dark"
- wear black eyeliner and like dramatic effects on their eyes (sometimes entire face)
- may have black hair, but a lot have other colors
- like music such as gothic music, death meta and dark metal....some bands may include the cure, sisters of mercy, and bauhaus
- typically wear black nailpolish supposably, but many wear bright colors
Basically people call other people gothic or goths because they wear black but not all do. It is a stereotype, and people think "gothic" people worship the devil, other gods, or are atheist or agnostic, or are wiccan. Those are religions, not all of these people worship those. I, being called a goth many times... believe that it's not right to call people this or any other name because they do not wear pink most of the time. Black is just a color, and some of us like it. I wear black and overall I'm a pretty friendly person to most people. I am not "gothic", but have been called this many times and it's not a nice thing to say. It's a stereotype that people use who know absolutely nothing about this. Not everyone who wears black or listens to certain music is suicidal or anything of the sort. Get over it, and get a life, stop making fun of people for being who they are if you don't like so called gothic people.
Gothic is a stereotype for people who wear black.
What people don't know is that people who are so called gothic don't always wear black.
by xjanellx August 16, 2006
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