1 definition by xXxPandaLoverxXx


A Murray is a very special person who is shy at first but once you get to know him he is wonderful. Murrays are usually very attractive. It's a handsomeness that only shows itself when he lets you see it. He treats you like a goddess and makes you feel beautiful. Never underestimate Murray. He knows if you are using him. Don't let your Murray get away; you'll never find another guy like him.
"Hey I heard you are dating Murray?"
"Yeah :)"
"WOW! You're so lucky!"
"I know right? He's so nice to me."
"Gosh, I wish I had a Murray!"


"Did you hear? She dumped Murray!"
"What? NOWAY!"
"I know right? He's so hot and nice."
"Well, I wish I had a chance."
"Haha, we all do."
by xXxPandaLoverxXx October 26, 2013
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