1 definition by x0XNephilimX0x

A beautiful angelic women who is adored and loved by all.she can hate someone but not for long because she has a caring heart,people could spend days staring into her eyes.she is one of a kind never let out of your life person who loves to flirt and have fun she is the easiest friend to make and the hardest to lose she sometimes thinks nobody cares about her but in truth everyone does.if she gets sad she wont tell you (its a skill to read a Chelsea) but be there to help her.
C.charismatic H.heartfelt E.extraordinary L.laughing S.sexy E.exquisite A.adorable

I love CHELSEA!!

Chelsea is my best friend!

Chelsea was the life of the party

I cant wait to see Chelsea again

for my best friend Chelsea(Eve) I love you
by x0XNephilimX0x June 6, 2011
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