2 definitions by writerpunk

A "gay oyster" is another name for a jello shot, which are commonly served at gay bars. Since these jello shots are served in single-serving plastic cups with lids, consuming one is like eating an oyster. You open the lid, loosen the shot from the cup with a finger, and then slurp it down. When a gay oyster is combined with champagne, it is called a royal oyster.
Barb had her first gay oyster at the gay bar in Seattle.
by writerpunk August 10, 2016
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Also called a Royal Gay Oyster, this concoction is the combination of a jello shot and a split of champagne. A gay oyster is loosened from its cup and dropped into a small glass or fingerbowl of champagne. The whole thing is then taken in one shot or one drink.
Ed's birthday was celebrated with a round of royal oysters at Changes Disco Bar.
by writerpunk August 1, 2016
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