2 definitions by wow._.kcb

Going To Bed

What someone's says when there laying in bed playing on there phone so they don't have to talk
"Last night he said he was going to bed but he liked some bitches pic on instagram"
by wow._.kcb February 17, 2016
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Suicide Squad

A group of bad ass DC villans consisting of Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Amanda Waller, King Shark, Slipknot (no not the band), Captin Boomerang, Enchantress, Katana, Rick Flag, Killer Croc, and El Diablo.
Crazy Fan 1: "Yo u ex cited for the new suicide squad movie?"
Crazy Fan 2: "Hell ya! Of course I am!"
by wow._.kcb February 15, 2016
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