3 definitions by wordyNwise

(adj) Someone who inherits most or all of their knowledge from the Internet or smartphone as opposed to going to school, reading hard-copy books, or doing actual research in a library. Also referred to as Internet-smart.
Our younger generation has become google-smart... more dependent on their smartphones and less inclined to use their minds to come to a conclusion.
by wordyNwise June 5, 2017
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(n) an invisible, airborne trail of COVID-19 left behind by an infected person walking or standing in front of you. Also rona-trails; covid-trails
Oh man, that guy in front of me just coughed (sneezed, breathed, etc.) and I walked through his corona-trails.
by wordyNwise April 2, 2020
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(adj) someone who carries out specific behaviors as a result of their fear and panic toward the coronavirus.
Damn, look at all the toilet paper that woman is buying. She’s been coronarized!
by wordyNwise April 3, 2020
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