1 definition by whyamiupatfive

A "wild card" term used when a word is at the tip of one's tongue and refuses to be found. Equivalent to the blank tile in Scrabble. Incredibly versatile, it can serve as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb depending on the grammatical and conversational context.

Usually makes its appearance in conversations where parties are somewhat illiterate and under the influence of some intoxicant, thereby rendering them useless at being coherent.
Guy 1: "Bro, pass the chech (spliff)."
Guy 2: "Naw man, you still owe me a joint from the other chech (round)."
Guy 1: "Don't be chech (an ass), guy!"
Guy 2: "You ain't gettin' some if you be chechin''round like that! (behaving as such) "
by whyamiupatfive December 5, 2005
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