1 definition by vily


Janne is a finnish name. A Janne usually knows a lot of memes and has a dark but good sense of humor. He is a very caring and romantic person whom you can talk to for hours. He likes to stay up late.

He is interested in a lot of things including sports like parcouring, animated series, drawing or music. A Janne often plays one instrument or more.

He is an open-minded person and genually nice to everyone. He`s also probaby a cat person. Other adjectives that suit him are random, clumsy, sweet, pretty and uwu.

In his free time he likes to make bird noises.
Person 1: Have you seen this guy with the amazing hair and eyes?
Person 2: Do you mean Janne? Yeah, he´s really cool.
by vily May 10, 2019
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