1 definition by usmc dawg

Recent Former Military.

Individual(s) recently separated from the armed-services (army, navy, air-force, coastguard or Marines) and/or to retain/exhibit traits commonly associated with military service and/or having served.

RFM Characteristics:

S/he has a clean-cut and/or squared-away appearance; is active in maintaining well-rounded level of personal fitness; has a look and demeanor of reserved confidence (sometimes confused with cockiness); is fiercely loyal; is quick to learn/adapt; is able to assess and appropriately respond to threats; is goal-oriented; approaches tasks with a sense of structure and discipline; endeavors to minimize mistakes and/or capitalize on them as opportunities for improvement (ofi), doesn't allow personal feelings to interfere with the mission/objective; is unusually aware/vigilant of surroundings; maintains composure under pressure; possesses a high degree of integrity/accountability; has a no-nonsense approach to problem-solving; a natural tendency to lead or follow, but able to assume either role as appropriate; has an high threshold for pain and/or pleasure; strives to cover unit liabilities and maximize unit assets; often has learned-tendency to repress emotion(s), aka locked and loaded; an individual who generally does the right thing, because it's the right thing to do.
the new guy/girl at work seems: like a team-player and/or wound kinda tight ... what's up with him/her? S/he's RFM. ah, that explains it.

see that group of studs over there--they're mostly RFM. yeah, they've got that RFM way about'em.

my brother has ptsd. what happened? he's RFM and was over in iraq.

Pat is RFM; therefore, s/he's an excellent candidate and/or plug-and-play-ready to be an efficient employee.
by usmc dawg October 6, 2011
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