3 definitions by urban munky

A Chamorro (Chamoru) from the Pacific Ocean island of Guam (Guahan).

A U.S. Census classification for Chamorros (Chamorus) from the U.S. territory of Guam (Guahan).

The indigenous population of the island of Guam (Guahan).
A: What's your ethnicity?
B: Guamanian.
A: What's that?
B: A Chamorro from the island of Guam.
by urban munky November 11, 2007
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An indigenous Pacific Ocean group and culture from the Mariana Islands. The Mariana Islands are politically divided between Guam and The Northern Mariana Islands. The Chamorros have been depicted as being Filipinos but this has proven to be untrue culturally and genetically. The Chamorros are a distinct cultural and linguistic group seperate from other Pacific Island groups, e.g. Hawai'ians, and Asian groups, e.g. Filipinos. The next closest language related to Chamorro is a "distant cousin" language from the Toraja Cluster of Celebes, Indonesia.

Chamorro is also spelled Chamoru.
A: Are you Guamanian or Chamorro?
B: I'm both.
A: How's that?
B: Guamanians are Chamorros from the island of Guam and not from the Northern Mariana Islands. If I were from the Northern Mariana Islands then I would be a Chamorro, but not a Guamanian.
by urban munky November 11, 2007
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An indigenous Pacific Ocean group and culture from the Mariana Islands. The Mariana Islands are politically divided between Guam and The Northern Mariana Islands. The Chamorus have been depicted as being Filipinos but this has proven to be untrue culturally and genetically. The Chamorus are a distinct cultural and linguistic group seperate from other Pacific Island groups, e.g. Hawai'ians, and Asian groups, e.g. Filipinos. The next closest language related to Chamoru is a "distant cousin" language from the Toraja Cluster of Celebes, Indonesia.

Chamoru is also spelled Chamorro.
A: Are you Guamanian or Chamoru?
B: I'm both.
A: How's that?
B: Guamanians are Chamorus from the island of Guam and not from the Northern Mariana Islands. If I were from the Northern Mariana Islands then I would be a Chamoru, but not a Guamanian.
by urban munky November 11, 2007
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