2 definitions by txunami

A term invented by Dr. John D. Commonly used as a derogatory insult to someone who is annoying, obnoxious, or in "goblin mode". This word is often accompanied or followed by a hand symbol in which the user makes an upside-down fist and extends their index and pinky finger.

Synonymous with : Dork, Weirdo, Goblin, and ferral.
Case A: "I can't believe he bombed the capitol, what a dwink!"
Case B: "Nice job spilling the acetone on yourself dwink."
by txunami March 20, 2023
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A term invented by Dr. John D. Commonly used as a derogatory insult to someone who is annoying, obnoxious, or in "goblin mode". This word is often accompanied or followed by a hand symbol in which the user makes an upside-down fist and extends their index and pinky finger.
Case A: "I can't believe he bombed the capitol, what a dwink!"
Case B: "Nice job spilling the acetone on yourself dwink."
by txunami March 20, 2023
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