3 definitions by twoodle on YouTube

a shitcident is basically a shitty incident that happened either a while ago or just a few days ago. it could be something that stresses you out, annoys you, or you just don't want to talk about.
1: hey remember last week when you got ur dick stuck in a toaster
2: dude that was a total shitcident i don't wanna talk about that
1: woah okay ill chill
by twoodle on YouTube July 28, 2018
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Used to caption short videos that tend to be of people doing something random like dancing, running, shaking rapidly or looking shocked, using the song Roman Holiday by Nicki Minaj, the video in question usually being sped up. Idk why people say this tbh
*sees a video with Roman holiday song*
random commenters : damn ma is it really that serious 😭
by twoodle on YouTube May 24, 2019
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best friend / bestest buddy / aka what phil calls dan
"no but really dan you are my biffle"
by twoodle on YouTube August 20, 2018
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