1 definition by twistedmr

Debating sustainability in an eco-enviro sense.debating the enviroment using political standpoints of eco-economy based on nothing more than the finacially motivated dribble we are fed to help the tax gain popularity.with tongue in cheek referrence to the moral code that is expected which we all know doesnt exist in the world of big business-Sustainabait- the term intentionally includes conontations of masturbation. Masturbating verbally. sustainabaiting is tongue in cheek & generally understood as a cynnical term for a form of verbal diarrhoea or otherwise known as oral maturbation.
Mary-I have a tute today in enviro.
Tom-Oh so do i would you like to catch up for coffee afterwards and sustainabait until the next lecture?.

Mary- did you hear josh and claire at the party last night,

Tom- yes i did they got caught up in sustainabaiting like pillars of the community for hours.
Mary- I think Clair should be a politician as her arguments made more sense the drunker she got.
Tom- Haha yes but i guess they where her same old arguments as she always has its just they seemed more believable because we where getting drunk also.
by twistedmr September 10, 2011
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