1 definition by treblegirl

indie kids are usually witty and sarcastic, they may come across as mean, but theyre really actually good people. If you ask an indie kid if theyre emo you will DIE. no joke, they will kill you for saying such a thing, because indies hate emos and hate it when people mix them up. They listen to bands most kids have never heard of, like arcade fire, spoon, vampire weekend, blur, etc. and wouldnt be caught dead listening to mainstream music. Theyre usually really smart but dont advertise it, and like to read. They are really original and dont hang out exclusively with indies, but they like to have at least one friend who shares their tastes. Music is a huge part of their lives, as is art. i acted like this even before i started getting called "indie" so trust me, i know.
Normal kid: hey lets listen to teach me how to dougie

Indie kid: are you kidding me? im sorry but that has no style, its just generic rap. we should listen to modest mouse.

Normal kid: nah thats crap

Indie kid: wow you dont appreciate music
by treblegirl October 13, 2010
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