1 definition by trapped in hicktown

Small town in the Southeastern U.S state of Tennessee. Well known for its poor education system, high rate of teen pregnancy, incest, illiteracy, racism, redneck trailer trash, and ignorant pieces of crap who hump bibles all the time. In Greeneville, there are many fun things to do, such as go to church, go to church, go to church, go work in a factory, go to school, go to church, go get high and cruise around a fucking parking lot in a strip mall, go to church, go to church, go to a KKK rally, or go to walmart. Yee haw.
Many people live in Greeneville, and want out. These people are smart.
Many people live in Greeneville, and stay there because the lord jesus told them to. These people take meth.
by trapped in hicktown May 10, 2008
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