2 definitions by tony_chen

the acronym for what you say to someone (shut the fuck up) who spells internet acronyms out loud in a real life conversation as opposed to saying the actual words
dude1: stfu (spells out stfu) I only kiss that other guy cause uh..it's my religion so wtf (spells out wtf) you talking about I'm not gay.

dude2: No you shut the fuck up you don't even know proper english and that was the dumbest bullshit I've heard since George Bush's last speech.
by tony_chen March 21, 2007
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the acronym of what you say to someone who spells this out in a real life conversation and other overused acronyms like wtf rather than saying the real thing

fag: stfu (spells out stfu) I only kiss that other guy cause uh..it's my religion so wtf (spells out wtf) you talking about I'm not gay.

me: No YOU shut the fuck up you don't even know proper english AND you kissed a guy, fag.
by tony_chen February 26, 2007
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