1 definition by tinkertoyjosh

I recall a certain Dr. who taught radiology. He used the Socratic method. He would show us an X-Ray and select a student to identify it. One day he put up the soft-tissue X-Ray of the human penis. Superimposed upon that penis was a phalange (a finger). The woman he called upon was clearly unprepared and stuttered, then uttered the words... "Isn't that a penis bone?" Difficult to believe she was going to become a doc! LMAO Needless to say, if we have a penis BONE, we have a penis JOINT. Therefore, et ergo sum...... the penis must have a 'hinge' and a knuckle! Since this allows the penis to move UP or DOWN... anything that moves up or down may, in theory, be a cockknuckle.....
Someone's mood..... "Gosh, that woman can turn on a dime, one minute she's nice, the next minute she's a bitch!" What a cockknuckle!
by tinkertoyjosh March 25, 2010
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