3 definitions by tim_finnegan

To put cram ones testicles fully inside a woman's vagina. (See also: "T. neck that cavity")
"Spread out Autumnal-themed tablecloth and get your ass on the dining table; I'm gonna stuff you with my giblets and t. neck that cavity!"
by tim_finnegan November 13, 2019
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To have sex on or around the Thanksgiving holiday. "Turkey neck that cavity" referring to the penis-like appearance of the turkey neck, being stuffed into the turkeys body cavity—resembling a wide-open vagina. (See also: "Stuff her with your giblets")
"Spread out Autumnal-themed tablecloth and get your ass on the dining table; I'm gonna stuff you w/ my giblets and t. neck that cavity!"
by tim_finnegan November 13, 2019
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When, in a situation where you would normally be physically, socially, or otherwise uncomfortable, you do not feel the discomfort because you are enjoying yourself too much to care.
Roy was sitting on a spiked rock in the freezing cold, along with 20 other sweaty and smelly campers, singing out of tune at the top of their lungs, and was nothing less than funcomfortable since he was having such a good time.
by tim_finnegan November 4, 2010
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