9 definitions by tht! tne

short for "sound system," i.e. a DJ collective, sometimes mobile. roots in jamaican culture, particularly dub or dancehall. a sound consists of selectors and deejays. the selector spins dubplates through usually massive wattage, and may be accompanied by the deejay, who will chat over the tunes. rival sounds may challenge one another, in a soundclash. the winning sound is said to "kill" the other sound.
ring the alarm, another sound is dying. woa-oh, hey.
by tht! tne May 24, 2005
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crab soccer is a game that we used to play back in elementary school during physical education. the class would be split into two teams, each opposing one another from the baselines at either side of the gym. the centre line would be stockpiled with foam rubber balls about 1 foot in diameter, and when the coach blows the whistle you scuttle around in a moving backbend, hands and feet on the floor but body up, parallel to the floor... you look like a crab, hence the name.
it's hard as a mug to play crab soccer but it's also funny, as a mug.
by tht! tne May 26, 2005
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