2 definitions by those two 14 year old bitches

a fat whore with a large over hanging gut and twiggy dispropotianate legs, creating a resemblence to an avocado. it helps to make the connection when they wear green. these nasty sluts, are known to suck dick for fun and turn men gay. this term was created in 2002 when mocking a teachers fat slutty daughter and her also avocado shaped friends. the second group of girls that were called this adopted the term, not realizing that their disgusting body shape was being mocked.
pigarella: so jizzy, what happened with your last boyfriend?

jizzy: he was third guy to leave me for charlie after i fuck him.

trashley: well thats what us avocado hoez do!

smelanie: WERE FAT HOES!
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a mix of the word BOLAS in spanish and BOULE in French which both mean texticles. Term invented for Tequila Burritto Nachoz (a mexican yet french at heart chihuahua)
Like fuck this word can be used in many senses, verb, adjective, adverb, noun, proper noun...ect...
Kym: Omg look at Tequila's boolaz, dey are so big, for such a little son of beans with little pants.
Gato: dude your fucking right they grow every day!!!!!
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